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Galuh Indri Prameswhari

Desain Komunikasi Visual Peminatan Desain Komunikasi Fashion,

Sekolah Tinggi Desain Indonesia

Jl. Wastukencana No.52, Tamansari, Bandung, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40116, Indonesia


The phenomenon of patchwork generation that is not treated properly will have a negative impact on the environment and humans, because patchwork waste includes inorganic waste that cannot be decomposed. The lack of awareness of producers and consumers on the generation of patchwork waste raises the need for campaigns related to anticipating the impact of patchwork waste generation. One of the campaign actions to anticipate the emergence of waste is to apply the concept of upcycling to clothing products so that patchwork waste is not wasted. The purpose of this design is to produce deluxe ready-to-wear clothing products with an upcycle concept using patchwork techniques as an effort to utilize patchwork waste. In addition, clothing designs are also equipped with post-production publication designs in the form of lookbooks and video campaigns because the campaign media has the potential to voice the fashion upcycle movement to the public so that the objectives of this research can be achieved. The design approach is carried out by exploring the composition of pieces of patchwork waste by adopting the fashion trend forecast theme of the soul searchers which is also adjusted to the interests of the target market, especially in the city of Bandung, namely street style clothing. Based on the research, it can be concluded that the concept of upcycling of patchwork waste can be done using the patchwork method and becomes a creative fashion product. The details in the design contain crafty accents obtained from the affixation of motifs that use the remnants of threads from the production process. The birth of this design is expected to contribute to reducing the generation of patchwork waste.

Keywords: Patchwork Waste, Ready-to-Wear, Deluxe, Patchwork Technique, Upcycle Fashion


Fenomena timbulan kain perca yang tidak diolah dengan baik akan berdampak buruk pada lingkungan dan manusia, karena limbah kain perca termasuk sampah anorganik yang tidak dapat terurai. Minimnya tingkat kesadaran produsen maupun konsumen terhadap timbulan limbah kain perca menimbulkan kebutuhan akan kampanye terkait aksi antisipasi dampak timbulan limbah perca. Salah satu aksi kampanye antisipasi timbulnya limbah adalah dengan menerapkan konsep upcycling pada produk pakaian agar limbah kain perca tidak terbuang begitu saja. Tujuan dari perancangan ini adalah menghasilkan produk pakaian ready-to-wear deluxe berkonsep upcycle dengan menggunakan teknik patchwork sebagai upaya pemanfaatan limbah kain perca. Selain itu, desain pakaian pun dilengkapi dengan rancangan publikasi pasca produksi berupa lookbook dan video campaign karena media kampanye tersebut berpotensi untuk menyuarakan gerakan upcycle fashion kepada masyarakat sehingga tujuan penelitian ini bisa tercapai. Pendekatan perancangan dilakukan dengan mengeksplorasi komposisi dari potongan limbah kain perca dengan mengadopsi fashion trend forecast tema the soul searchers yang disesuaikan pula dengan minat target market khususnya di kota Bandung, yakni pakaian bergaya street style. Berdasarkan penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa konsep upcycling limbah perca dapat dilakukan dengan metode patchwork dan menjadi produk fashion kreatif. Adapun detail dalam perancangan mengandung aksen crafty yang didapat dari imbuhan motif yang menggunakan sisa-sisa benang dari proses produksi. Lahirnya rancangan ini diharapkan dapat berkontribusi untuk mengurangi timbulan limbah kain perca.

Kata kunci: Limbah Kain Perca, Ready-to-wear Deluxe, Teknik Patchwork, Upcycle Fashion

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